Call for Pitch Slam & Autumn Awards Volunteers

At Naturally Colorado, we’re busy planning for our biggest special event of the year: the 17th Annual Pitch Slam & Autumn Awards!
We’re looking for help on Thursday, October 21 at the Boulder Jewish Community Center (at Arapahoe Ave. and Oreg Ave.).
In exchange for your working at least 2.5 hours as a volunteer, we’re pleased to extend to you free registration to this event, outside of your designated shift. That’s up to a $99 value! And let’s not overlook the value of the opportunity to work alongside some of the best-connected folks in the natural products industry.
Please sign up for specific duties and shifts via our Google Sheet. Note that there are multiple tabs. Please fill in your contact info on the first tab, then add your name to at least one (and preferably more) of the yellow time slots/volunteer shifts on the following two tabs. (Purple cells are for those trained on MemberClicks.) Any blank yellow cell is an open shift! Please don’t write over anyone else’s entries. We’ll be in touch via email to confirm your participation.
For info about the event, please visit
If you know of anyone who may be interested in volunteering, please send them here! If you have any questions, please email Thank you for your time and consideration. We hope to get to work with you!