Preparing for the Unexpected: Planning for a Product Recall
Naturally Colorado and (soon to be) Naturally NorCal
Thursday, January 30th
1:00 – 2:00 pm MT
A product recall can be one of the most challenging moments for any brand — but with the right preparation, you can navigate it with confidence.
Join us for an interactive session where industry experts will guide you through key recall classifications (Class 1, 2, 3 & market withdrawal) and essential steps to safeguard your business. Learn how to build a proactive recall plan, review key contracts, assess insurance coverage, and understand the true costs of a recall. We’ll walk through a real-world scenario involving mislabeled products and answer your burning questions during an extended Q&A. Don’t miss this chance to arm your brand with the knowledge to face a recall head-on.
Brandon Hernandez
Brandon Hernandez
Peter Picetti
Peter Picetti
If you have any questions, please email